Personal Improvement

Principles Guiding My Psychotherapy Work

I’ve been doing psychotherapy for quite some time, and I have 3 principles to guide me: I’m acutely aware that people come to me for all sorts of reasons, but not all of them are associated with getting better. As such, they may not really want to be helped. Yes, change of any sort is often greeted with resistance, but when my efforts are stonewalled or the client consistently doesn’t follow through, it’s time to talk. Sometimes it comes down [...]


Who Do We Want To Be?

It’s true, we reap what we sow. Time and effort we invest is returned to us, with interest – although rates vary. If we practice a difficult piano piece 5 minutes a day, we’ll get better. If we spend the same amount of time per day dramatizing our life, feeling unhappy, entangled in fear and anxiety, we’ll get better at doing so. The habits, activities and behaviors we cultivate define who we are. Something repeated and repeated grows –for better [...]


Fail Less

As I was watching the men’s figure skating finals at the winter Olympics, it became apparent to me that we weren’t in for a night of stellar performances. None of the finalists skated “clean,” there were no flawless performances; instead it appeared to be a contest of who would fail less. It’s impossible to compare one pressure-packed situation to another, but these athletes get a crack at winning an Olympic medal only every 4 years. There’s no next day, week, [...]

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