• happy_womanAfter taking for several days, you began feeling more energetic, brighter and motivated
  • The increased energy and feelings of motivation propelled you to act in your best interest – you started goal setting, organizing yourself personally and professionally, chipping away day-to-day at what you want to accomplish, ramped up your social interaction, improved your attitude and began facing rather than succumbing to your fears
  • Your inclination from the beginning was to use them as a springboard for launching you out of a bad situation, a rut, a loss, excessive negativity or any other maladaptive thoughts or feelings that were plaguing you
  • You concluded from day 1 that use should be time-limited and that the drug did not have any magical powers to solve your problems, unilaterally change your behavior or do the lifting for anything you want to master
  • You understood that merging their use with a course of counseling or psychotherapy produced additive positive effects and benefits
  • You sought professional guidance for how to withdraw from them and by doing so, you experienced minimal or no interference in your daily functioning
  • Most importantly, you thought through the process of antidepressants, understood their benefits and limitations, didn’t subscribe to false hope and used the drug only insomuch as it could help you take the next right step for your life