

About joe

Joseph Wegmann, R.Ph., LCSW is a licensed clinical pharmacist and a clinical social worker with more than thirty years of experience in the field of psychopharmacology. His diverse professional background in psychopharmacology and counseling affords him a unique perspective on medication management issues. In addition to consulting with numerous psychiatric facilities, he has presented psychopharmacology seminars to thousands of clinicians in 46 states.

Making Your Day…Or Not

A pleasant thing happening to you can certainly make your day, but an unpleasant occurrence doesn’t have to ruin your day. Don’t fuel an undesirable circumstance by heaping unnecessary negativity upon it; rather, gain perspective by reminding yourself that you’ve overcome many similar situations before and turned them around in your favor. Top it off by writing down something that brought you joy or pleasure that day. Keep it to one sentence. That shouldn’t be hard because no single day [...]


Triggers and Patterns

A trigger can give rise to a pattern -- sometimes a pattern that can lead to regret. That first fun-size Snickers can set off a cycle of bingeing that ends only when the bag is empty. The mad dash to get out of the house in the morning generates a cycle of rushing -- turning your drive to work into an Evil Knievel-like exercise that leaves you anxious and exhausted before the workday even starts. If you want to stop [...]



An ongoing lesson for me is that when someone I know – who is reasonably bright, fair and rational – suggests something foreign to my beliefs, I give it some measure of serious thought, instead of searching for ways to support or bolster my own biases.


Take A Look Around…

... your office space, or maybe even a room or two in your home. Are there art objects, photos, mementos, music which is motivating and uplifting? Or has the area become a repository for accumulated stuff which is stacked everywhere? Maybe worth remembering -- your surroundings can support you… or bring you down. Feeling fulfilled is a lot about control of your own environment.


Gaining Perspective On Perceived Gloom and Doom

So you’ve completely screwed up this time, you’ll be demoted by tomorrow, fired the day after tomorrow, lose your license, renounced by friends, homeless, sentenced to debtors prison, without even a glimmer of a future in sight. If or when you find yourself harboring this mindset, write about it in a “gloom and doom” journal. Yes, refer to it as this, for now. Just purchase a simple, blank, no frills notebook to record these “end of the world” thoughts and [...]


Placebo Magic

One day while listening to a podcast discussing effective strategies for using affirmations in our lives, I typed up these words on a simple 8.5x11 sheet of printer paper in a large, bold font: Today Will Be A Fabulous Day, Because I Will Make It So! I taped it to a desk speaker directly in my line of sight. I didn’t put a lot of thought into doing this as I perceived it as a mere experiment, but now I [...]



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