

The key distinction to anything we want to accomplish in life is discipline. And it’s something most people don’t stockpile. It matters not what you want to accomplish – losing weight, starting a new business, getting yourself into good shape, better organizing your life – every single venture requires a can-do attitude as a belief system and discipline as an accompanying behavior. […]


It’s Not the Economy

I subscribe to a few business newsletters. Most of them are information services only, but one of them, in addition to providing commentary, opens itself to feedback from subscribers. The subject of a newsletter article that caught my eye recently was: “How to Survive the Inevitable Business Downcycle.” One of the responses to the suggestions made in the article came from a fellow who was indeed experiencing a downturn in his business. He mentioned that he was at a point [...]



A bit over a week ago, Englishman Justin Rose won the United States Open golf championship. I plop myself in front of the television for the final round of this tournament every year. It’s a tournament that year after year humbles the greatest golfers in the world primarily because the course layout rewards only well-placed shots while often severely punishing errant ones. So the tournament is not only a supreme test of patience, but one that demands steadiness and endurance. [...]


Grudges: Learn To Let Go

Last week, I had a conversation with a woman who worships at the same Church as I do. We know each other pretty well, and she wanted to let me know that I wouldn’t be seeing her at this Church any longer. I asked why, and here’s what happened: Her son was recently married at this Church. The ceremony went well, but the planning steps leading up to the “big day” didn’t sit well with her at all. She found [...]


Trust: It’s a Risk

I’m friends with a guy who professes that he wants to start a new business. He’s told me of a vision that he has for this new venture, but feels stuck on how to get started and then how to proceed. He has examined business development websites and those of consultants who advise in the business arena he’s pursuing. His conclusion: “They’re all offering up a sales pitch which increases my skepticism that all they want is my money.” Some [...]


Ensuring Serenity

Many of us seem to be rushing around in our day-to-day routines like the proverbial chicken with his head cut off. We turn work, play and even down time into a frenzied exercise of web surfing, checking social media and cell phone chatting. As a frequent business traveler, some of the most harried people I’ve ever seen are in airports. From my observation, they appear to be heading out on vacation, but look to me to be more exhausted than [...]


What Mode Are You Living In?

Each day we live out the current story of our lives as a continuing autobiography. And if you’re at all like me and take the time to review it regularly, you may wish you could alter the plot lines. Some of us are rooted in poverty mode, merely surviving and hoping to get by day-to-day. Some are in stability mode, basically comfortable and doing okay. Others are in prosperity mode, living abundantly and enjoying the benefits of having achieved self-mastery. [...]


The Flaw of Perfection

While growing up, I remember my mother polishing her silver coffee and tea service to perfection. And if it didn’t look just the way she desired, particularly on special occasions, she’d withhold its use in favor of her everyday service set. Perfect to my mother meant completely without blemish. As soon as someone touched this pristinely-polished silver though, fingerprints were all over it and this bothered her immensely. So instead of affording us the opportunity to enjoy a truly beautiful [...]


The Happiest People I Know

Are constantly changing up their world, trying new things, developing new hobbies, taking new risks, have diversified interests Follow their own bent and are not beholden to approval from others; they never offend, and their self- worth is not contingent upon being liked by others Understand that TRUE wealth is not money, but instead having discretionary time for their loved ones, friends and whatever else is important to them outside of the work world Routinely remove the “clutter” and “noise” [...]


Psychopharmacology and Mental Health Treatment – Observations and Recommendations

You can read a 600- page text on the biochemistry of psychiatric medications; become enmeshed in the marvels of neuroscience; design highly complex drug regimens for patients; and still not know a thing until the patient swallows the first pill. […]



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