Personal Growth

You’re Going To Fail And Succeed – On Some Level

Every month I write a newsletter and thousands of people don’t read it, share it, or forward it, and every month several people unsubscribe altogether. After posting a blog or commenting on a new development in Psychopharmacology, some people write me and say I could have stated my case better, or who am I to have made such statements. So it’s a certainty that I’m failing someone. […]


How to Evaluate Solicited Feedback

I’ve written before about ignoring unsolicited feedback and that it should be summarily cast away because it only benefits the one delivering it, not the receiver of the information. But what about solicited feedback – that which you’ve sought and received from trusted sources – that you’re trying to evaluate? Here are 3 questions for how to best determine the value of those responses to you: Did you actually say or do something wrong that can be empirically or objectively [...]


Escaping Overwhelm

Lots of people I know both personally and professionally tell me they feel overwhelmed. This happens when we assign priority status to everything on our plate hence, we really have no priorities. In other words, if everything is important, nothing is important. To escape "overwhelm," we have to set up a pecking order approach as to what's most important to address in any given circumstance. Begin with this question in mind: "Which task(s) will deliver the best short-term results?" Identify [...]


True Confidence

Really confident people never believe they’ll win or prevail at each and every venture or goal they pursue. They don’t jubilantly celebrate success or become overly downtrodden when they fail to achieve their desired outcomes. […]


Let Us Hear the Music

Negativity. We’re surrounded by it day after day and inundated with it. The media, for example, is exceedingly adept at churning it out in volumes, titillating our appetites for more and more. And it works in that it keeps us plugged in, awaiting news of the next looming threat or gloomy forecast.       […]


Why Some People Never Overcome Inertia

They listen to and place their trust in the wrong people. Other people’s opinions are a dime a dozen. And when these opinions aren’t coming from a knowledgeable position, they’re worthless when it comes to advancing your initiative. There are coaches with a slew of initials behind their name marketing themselves as game changers, but are merely promoting their own claims, advice, theories and philosophies, sans specific action steps. If you’re taking advice from a coach, trusted friend or colleague, [...]



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